Saint Francis of Assisi is the patron saint of animals. Francis Bernardone was born in 1182 in Assisi, Italy. He died in the same town in 1226. During his 44 year life he went from riches to rags, by his own choice. Francis was a dreamer, a visionary who followed the lead of his dreams. Two years after he died Francis was canonized a saint by the Catholic Church. St. Francis of Assisi lived his life with compassion for even the smallest critters on the earth. All creation has value and time and effort are required to care for creation. Each and every creature deserves respect.

Dear St Francis,
you who loved all creatures great and small, you who greets them over the rainbow bridge while awaiting to meet again, protect our beloved fids in this world, place upon them you gentle hand to releive their sufferings and pain and protect them from all harm.